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personal Care & Hygiene

Wednesday, 11:30AM – 2:00PM

Everyday essentials and toiletries offered weekly

Many of our guests experience the hardship of homelessness and are in need of personal care products. Some of the most basic items are often difficult to obtain. Our team provides on-site access to essential goods, including soap, deodorant, toothpaste, dry socks, and undergarments.

The personal care team has developed an efficient and trauma-informed ordering and fulfillment system. Maintaining our guests’ privacy and dignity is a critical aspect of our program.

Community Hygiene Truck

Our Impact

Personal Care Products Were Distributed

Individuals Served Through five partner Sites

Data from 2023 Impact Report

Want to Volunteer?

Every day, volunteers help Broad Street Love provide stabilizing social services to our guests — not just serving meals or sorting mail, but bringing the warmth of human connection to those who need it most.